Performance Consultancy
Louise Ellis is BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist (Psychology) and a senior lecturer in sport psychology at a UK University. Louise is an active researcher in the area and has, for example, published work in sport psychology and biofeedback in peer reviewed books or journals (e.g. Global Practices and Training in Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance: A Case Study Approach – Chapter 11, p.88).
Top level performance and peak performance are achieved when the major systems, such as the brain, heart and respiratory system work in synch. When one of these systems is working against the other, a flowing performance becomes more difficult and challenging for the athlete. It is essential, therefore, that an athlete places emphasis on training all three of the major systems that contribute to peak performance (brain, heart, respiratory system).
As a BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist (Psychology), Louise offers one-to-one sessions in person and also online. Athletes can book online sessions in the privacy of their own home. Clients can engage in short term or long term programmes of work depending on individual needs and requirements.
Louise’s work ranges from performance enhancement to supporting athletes with performance recovery and injury. Some athletes contact Louise to work on specific areas such as; increasing confidence; removing performance blocks; improving anxiety control; developing focus under various performance conditions or learning how to increase and reduce intensity levels. Whatever the reason, training the mind and body to work collectively and efficiently during and outside practice is immensely personal and no two athletes are the same. Each training programme will be different based on the individual qualities of the athlete and characteristics of the sport.
To book your one-to-one, telephone or email appointment with Louise email Louise or use the contact form.